There is Always Hope

For the first time, in a very long time I felt ashamed to be Catholic this week, discouraged in my hope for a future.

As more news stories came out of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report my heart sank even more. How could this have happened, how could men who we trust to lead us to Christ, possibly be manipulating young boys and girls for their own sexual pleasure? But worse, have their bishops help them cover it up.

My soul ached when the stories first surfaced and not knowing what else to do, I spent time in adoration pleading with Jesus for this to make sense. Instead, because it doesn’t, I cried; for the victims, for the men who have a sickness that caused them to act in violent destructive ways, for the people who knew better and made the active choice to do wrong, including my own bishop, for those who have turned away from the church, and then for my own confusion and sadness. I just sat and cried. Present with the Lord, because where else is there to go?

As the week progressed and women on a few pages I follow started to share their stories of sexual assault during mass, and confession I became angry. How could these men who are consecrated to a life of serving others and representing Christ during our time on Earth destroy the lives of many. While struggling I reached out to a friend who reminded me that we are human, and not without our own sin, and that the best we could do is to pray for healing and a future where this never occurs again exists. But it doesn’t seem to be enough.

I went to mass today as a chore, however as I sat there, my heart shifted and I was reminded that there are good holy priests out there. As the word of the Lord was proclaimed I thought of my relationship with my spiritual director. A random meeting at Catholic Underground has turned into a 7 year relationship in which he has become my spiritual father. Often he reminds me it’s his job to get me into heaven, a difficult challenge at best, and together we have worked on my relationship with Jesus, strengthening my faith. More importantly we work on healing. He has helped me to understand that there are people in this world who will love you unconditionally just because you are you the way Jesus loved you into creation. Who will drive an hour away because you’re scared and in the hospital and need Jesus. Who will listen to you when you are facing major life choices and push you to do the best you can and not fall short because they want you to live your best life. Priests like this exist.

Then I thought of my friends. Their ordinations, their first masses. I cried then too. These days were so joyful and full of love. Watching them change over the last 4 years becoming men of God who stand by their faith and protect it. Who are real about their struggles in their faith, but not once regretting their decision to devote their lives to serving the Lord and their community. Has been a beautiful experience and no short of a grace from God to get to watch their lives unfold and continue to be even better Fathers.

One of these friends and I meet weekly to spend time in holy hour at a local parish. We head to dinner, discuss where we are in our faith, what our struggles are and who needs prayers. Then we end with night prayer. The time we spend in front of the Blessed Sacrament is not something I would trade for all of the money in the world. There are good men who say yes to Jesus. These are good men who know what it means to be a good father. To protect their children. To lead their children to heaven. To help them know Christ. These good and holy men exist.

My fear now as we move forward and begin the healing process is that priests who have done good, who are holy loving men, like the ones I have mentioned here., like the thousands of others will get discouraged. I fear their already tired hearts will become even more exhausted with more demands, and increased push back from parishioners and non believers. I worry there will be a time in which they are embarrassed or afraid to go out in their clerics. I’m afraid we will enter into an even larger vocational crisis than we are already are in.

The world needs holy men who are willing to say yes and protect us from these terrible predators who were supposed to lead us to Christ. We need men who are willing to step up and lead our church through this battle that we are about to go through, but more importantly we need men who are willing to show us Christ’s love and show that healing is possible. We need hope for the future, and these good priests need to direct us to it.

One of the issues that makes me the saddest is that this report only encompassed one state. I am sure we will learn of other tragic victims, serious accusations and absolute disgusting stories will arise. However, through all of this, we need to remain grounded in our faith. Jesus as the center of our lives is the only way we will get through this tragic time in our church’s history. Let’s continue to pray for healing, and ask all things through the intercession of our Mother Mary.

Love & Prayers,


A Prayer of the Heart

Last weekend I went up to the Sisters of Life retreat house Villa Maria Guadalupe in Stamford Connecticut for a few days of silence with the Lord.

As we know from my last post the last few weeks have been a little bit rough. In order to get my head on straight for Advent a weekend in silence was needed. I spent the entire weekend reading and praying with the sisters.

I am definitely still unpacking emotionally from the beautiful weekend but I thought I would share with you some of the great pictures I took.



My main focus of the weekend was Flannery O’Connor’s prayer journal entry..

I am afraid of pain and I suppose that is what we have to have to get grace. Give me the courage to stand up to the pain to get the grace, oh Lord.

It’s all about that grace.

Until next time, Happy Advent!



Thank you first of all for the many messages, notes, tweets, facebook messages, cards, and flowers.

The past month has certainly been an adventure!

I guess lets start at the beginning with my health. Towards the middle of June I was finally starting to feel like a normal person, I was walking every day and finally getting my energy back up! I was also back to doing yoga twice a day. I really felt I was making the changes I needed to in order to prevent myself from going back into the hospital. Around 90 days out from the hospital I started to get a pain in my thigh. I thought I was working too hard. Then while I was at spiritual direction I got a charlie horse. Something that is not uncommon for me, especially because I have a tendency to get dehydrated.

The pain in my leg continued to get worse and I could barely make it into work. A week later I finally scheduled a doctors appointment in which I was sent to the emergency room. After a few test they realized I had three blood clots in my leg and was diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT for short. Even the doctor was surprised, we all thought it was a simple inflammation of my veins. Out of standard precaution anytime someone has a blood clot they have to have their lungs checked to make sure there are not clots in the lungs. Normally when you have clots in your lungs there are other signs as well like shortness of breath, irregular heart beat, etc. So again they expected to find nothing however they ended up finding two blood clots in my lungs and diagnosing me with Pulmonary Embolism.

So super scary, I am working on recovering.. it will be about 6 months on this one medicine with testing every few weeks. What they don’t tell you and what you certainly don’t expect are the panic attacks and side effects. One of the medicines I am on causes GERD which basically is terrible terrible acid re flux which makes you think you are having a heart attack. The medicine they gave me to counteract that causes terrible joint pain and swelling. It is amazing that what you eat has such a large effect on how you feel everyday. This is a lesson I am learning, especially because I love tacos.

The panic attacks are terrifying. The first one I had was the night I came home from the hospital, I was so afraid I was going to die in my sleep. More people die from pulmonary embolisms each year than people die from AIDS and breast cancer combined. Knowing that and living with this is terrifying. My second panic attack came when I went in the car for a drive for the first time. We were in traffic and there were a ton of people driving like idiots. I was so afraid we were going to get into a car accident and I was going to bleed to death because I was on a really heavy dose of blood thinners. We had to pull over and I had to walk around and calm down for a bit.

So yeah, basically I am back at work, I feel like crap a lot and I have no energy, but I am getting there.

All of this leads to where I am spiritually. It’s been a dark time for me and God. I am trying, I know he blessed me by giving me this pain. With out it I would have never gone to the doctor, but right now I am very much in a why me stage. It’s really hard when you are faced with super scary challenges that don’t seem to go away and you are supposed to thank God and love him for it.

I am working on recovering my relationship with God, while I recover from my hospital stay. The most important thing is to always have hope.

Please continue to pray for me friends and I for you.

Love and prayers,



A Little Lost

Hi Friends! I hope your spring is going well.

Lately I’ve been feeling a little lost, not sure if it’s because I am still not feeling well, or trying to adjust to a new job but life lately isn’t on my side.

To top it all off I think I am in a bit of a spiritual dryness. I don’t feel God, and I don’t hear Him. I feel a little forgotten. I’m told that feelings do not matter in your relationship with God, what matters is that you continue to pray and have hope.

So that’s where I am at I’m continuing to pray and have hope.. WHICH IS SO HARD..

But I came across a few little notes I wanted to share with you, one was from last week when I was feeling extremely sad that God forgot to give me a life plan.. it was in a blog post on Emily P. Freeman’s blog and in it she said “Today I’ll keep my eyes open for Christ’s presence, rather than trying to figure out his plan.”

The other was Tuesday’s Responsorial Psalm at mass .. Throw your cares on the Lord, and he will support you

Alright God I hear you, maybe I’m not alone after all.


As I Have Loved You

As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.Gospel: John 13:31-33A, 34-35

When Judas had left them, Jesus said,
“Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him.
If God is glorified in him,
God will also glorify him in himself,
and God will glorify him at once.
My children, I will be with you only a little while longer.
I give you a new commandment: love one another.
As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.
This is how all will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.”

Today’s gospel has always been one of my favorites. It’s a beautiful reminder that we are in this life together as a community. Jesus calls us to love one another he gives us specific direction and this was always to me the most important point in this passage.

As I sat in mass today, it was early, people were getting on my nerves with their loud talking, the man in the row behind me decided to bring his dog to mass, I was so distracted. Since getting sick I’ve had a really hard time focusing.. on anything, but especially my prayer life. I’ve been trying to push through and get over this spell of distance between me and Jesus, my lack of motivation to give Him my time and attention so lately mass has not been fun for me.

As the Deacon began to read the gospel my heart began to soften. Yes I should be loving the crazy man who bought his dog to mass, and yes I should even love the talkers.. but AS HE LOVED ME. 

Jesus is totally calling us out in today’s gospel, but I think we are forgetting to listen to the entire passage. Jesus lived to die, He came to save us. This was His entire purpose of being on Earth. Whether He saved 1 person or 3283249 gazillion, He loved each soul so much that He died for each one individually.

That is a whole lot of love. Before we are able to love others that much, we have to learn and accept that Jesus loved us that much.. which means we have to see our self worth. And sometimes that is really really hard, but at the end of the day we are all beloved sons and daughters of the greatest king of all.

The priest who celebrated today’s mass had a great homily and he challenged us to pray to learn that Jesus loves us unconditionally and to accept that you are loved, accept that Jesus gave His life for you because it is the only way you are going to be able to serve others and love them as He love us.

So this week lets spend some quiet time in prayer and ask the Lord to show us his love in our hearts. And maybe spread that love by doing something kind for someone in your life this week.

See you in the Eucharist,


A Visit from Heaven

The other day when I opened the door to my apartment I was hit with a scent I didn’t recognize. All evening long I couldn’t put my finger to the scent, it stuck around for a while and when I realized what it was I couldn’t smell it anymore.

It was my grandfather, and just like that grief hit like a ton of bricks.

Back in 1991 I was a cute little curly haired 4 year old, and I thought I was the coolest thing in the world. We lived in an apartment, I had a two year old brother.. and bunk beds honestly I was cool you should have seen my leggings! I’m not sure when memories start, but the ones I can vividly remember start around the age of 3/4 for me. Right around 1991.

I remember my grandfather as a big man. He was so tall compared to four year old me. Honestly he was most likely tall compared to little 5 foot 3, 28 year old me too. At the time my Pop as we called him was 49 and in not so great health. A type one diabetic most of his life, he lost his sight in his 30s and his leg in his 40s. He and my grandmother divorced after 20 years of marriage, and eventually he remarried a few years later and moved to Florida.

His visits were so special. I think the reason we remember things so vividly is because of the way they make us feel. My Pop made me feel important, he talked to me like I was a real person not some kid. He needed me to help him get things or do lead him places (he most likely didn’t actually need me but he made me feel valued). But the best thing was how safe he made me feel when he would set me in his lap and let me fall asleep on him.

I so often think about how my life would have been different if he were still alive. Would I have gone to college, would I have fought with my mom as much as a teenager, would I have lived with him instead of living with my grandmother. I’m not sure and I will never get to know what might have happend because I only got to know Pop for 4 short years.

I remember or at least I think I remember the day my Pop died because I never saw my mom really cry before. I know she misses him more than me, especially this week because it would have been his 74th birthday on Tuesday.

It is very funny that after 25 years you can still be sad someone has passed, and miss them like they left yesterday. How blessed are we though to get to have those that love us surround us during the Mass?

Today I went to two, just so I could feel near to him. Sometimes you just have to. Here is one of the two pictures I have of he and I.. I keep it in my bible, it’s all folded but it’s lasted almost 30 years!


My Pop was a good man, and I like to believe he is proud of me. Grief is funny my friends, and just when you need some reassurance they visit you and leave you with a gentle reminder, a scent, a penny, a message only you may know just to remind you they are with us always.

Love and Prayers,


Things for Thursday – Prayer Places Edition

Normally on our Things for Thursday posts I share a list of 5-10 things that are relevant to what is going on in my life on this day. Generally I do 2/3 posts a month, but today I thought it would be really fun to take this time to look at all the great places I’ve prayed in the past month!

  1. The Bluffs at Camp Hope, Montauk, New York


2. St. Patrick’s Convent, Bay Shore, New York

St. Pats

3. My super cute new prayer corner in my apartment

Prayer Shelf

4. The Barkhamsted Reservoir, Connecticut


5. Catholic Underground, New York, NY


It’s been a busy month my friends, filled with prayer, good food, lots of laughs, and beautiful places where I can breathe deep!

Until next week! Love and Prayers,


I Failed at Tuesdaying

Yesterday I called out sick to work, partially because my hot water heater was broken which meant I couldn’t shower and partially because I’ve been feeling so lazy lately.

Instead I ate a ton of popcorn and watched Kevin Hart in the Real Husbands of Hollywood on Netflix.. the entire day.. an entire season.. and a half. My fit bit was vibrating like crazy. Get up Britt! Get moving! Should we call an ambulance.. you haven’t moved in ages..

Lately it has been freezing in NY, and the weather has caused so many of us to go into hibernation mode.. but there should never be a hibernation mode in prayer… and I have to be honest yesterday I failed. I couldn’t even be bothered to give thanks to the Lord while I stuffed my face with popcorn.

But you know what? This morning was a new day. I got up I read my devotions and my daily prayers, and I had a whole community of women waiting to support me.

I know that I’ve mentioned it on here, but I don’t know if I’ve ever really explained what Blessed is She is . It is an online community of like minded Catholic women, who strive to support each other through daily devotionals, blog posts, Facebook communities, twitter chats, and pure whole heart great conversation. I’ve met quite a few new friends through meet ups, and support posts and lately the they have been focusing on a prayer pledge for the whole month of January. You can find it here! 

One of the best things about Blessed is She is the fact that it is giving me the sense of community I’ve needed since I left youth ministry. To be able to sit with my friends on my time, have discussions, read about their lives, when it happens to be convenient for me is a true blessing. No more running around frantic, no more missing deadlines, I’m supported, I’m prayed for, and I’m loved.

You can find more about Blessed is She EVERYWHERE! They are so big on social media whether you are on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook… give a search and you will be able to find hundreds of ladies like you and me.. just looking to fall deeper in Love with Christ.

Praying for you everyday sisters!



6 Gifts to Give Yourself this Season

Continuing on our theme of self growth and breaking down walls this Advent..


  1. The Gift of Letting Go – it’s alright to realize you can’t hold onto the things that weigh you down any longer. It’s more than alright to bring them to the foot of the cross and leave them there. We are not always strong enough to deal with the twists and turns life has given us, and we often forget that the only solution for these challenges is right up there on the cross. Holding onto them only prevents us from growing. What is holding you back?
  2. The Gift of Self Forgiveness – I think one of the hardest things to do as a human is to admit you were wrong. We are full of pride. All of us. So to admit you were wrong and then have to let go of the shame and hurt that you caused yourself is tough. But it’s time. Jesus is coming and he is coming soon (and very soon!) why not schedule sometime this week to get to confession? The first step in forgiving yourself is making your soul clean with forgiveness from Jesus.. it’s your blank slate. Make the time for yourself.
  3. The Gift of Rebuilding – it’s alright to not do things the way you always have done them, and it’s more than alright to not keep the same people in your life who have hurt you in the past. It’s okay to shake things up, in fact it’s time. My dad is a huge Jets fan, and if you follow football you know the Jets have been awful for YEARS. Every year my dad would say it’s alright they are growing. It’s a rebuilding year.. he never lost faith in his team. This is a great lesson that I really value from my father. It’s okay to take the time and rebuild.. as long as you don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over. So after you have let go of the things you have been holding onto for so long, and have been able to forgive yourself it’s time to rebuild just make sure this time the center of your life is the Eucharist. If not you will just end up back where you were.
  4. The Gift of Laughter – I know it seems silly but sometimes I have to give myself permission to have a good time. I might be stressed out over money or a bad day at work and I forget that even if I am going through something I can still laugh. I can still chose to have moments of joy in a bad day.
  5. The Gift of Silence – I know I’ve said it before.. and I know I will say it a million more times but we are OVERWHELMED with noise. Be it the TV, Radio, outside, the news, whatever it is we do not allow ourselves the quite time needed to recenter and recharge ourselves. The Lord only speaks to us in quiet whispers deep down in our souls .. how will you hear him if you don’t spend some time in silence each day? Just 5 minutes can change your life!
  6. The Gift of Love – It’s really hard to understand unconditional love when you have spent most of your life receiving and often giving conditional love. It’s time to stop this nasty cycle and realize that you are worth a lot more than only being loved some of the time. The gift you have been given of your life by the Lord is proof enough that you are loved so much. Do not put conditions on that. You do not need to be perfect, you do not need to please everyone.. you just need to be you. You being yourself is pleasing to God. You are loved and good enough. Even if you need to repeat that over and over for a few days to remember it that’s alright. Try to start living as you are loved unconditionally. This may change you drastically. That’s okay too. It takes work to let go of the life we have to follow Jesus.. and even more than work it takes so much time. But God is patient, don’t forget it!

Be strong out there friends and keep fighting the good fight!

Love & Prayers,


How to Love a Girl Who Has Been Hurt too Many Times

She is really good at being cold and distant. Maybe it’s the Irish in her, but sometimes she just can’t deal with emotions.

Often, when faced with emotions or tough moments she feels like she is drowning and doesn’t know how to handle the situation.

Like many of us she has been hurt terribly by people in her past. You can see it in her eyes, she is there, but there is a pain that is hard to explain. She stares off in the distance often. You know she is reliving something again and again. Sometimes late at night, when you are having a deep conversation you think she is starting to crack. One of her walls may finally be coming down, she might even have tears in her eyes and when he realizes her wall is starting to break.. she stops. Sometimes even mid-sentence. The fear of continuing to let you in has overcome her.

She laughs and tells you this conversation has just gotten so serious! Let’s talk about something else. Or if she is really good, she turns the conversation without you even realizing it. Suddenly the focus is off her and back on you. The way she wants it to be.

She really wants to trust you. She really wants to let you in… but she can’t. She’s just been hurt one too many times.

So where does that leave you?

Loving a person who can’t easily let others in is such a struggle.. she thinks she is protecting you by not letting you see the real her.

She craves stability. Show her that you will be around and that the things in her past won’t change the way you view her. Encourage her to share, but don’t push her. When she knows you will always be there she will start to slowly share with you.

Remind her that you love her. Maybe she hasn’t heard it before, but she needs to hear it from you and often. The love she has received in the past is most likely conditional. Remind her that this isn’t the case with you. You love her because she is herself. No other reason needed.

Remind her that God is always with her. Often feeling alone.. even in a room full of people.. even if you think she has tons of friends she is unsure, and nervous. Her anxiety kicks in right away. Remind her that she was created to love God and be loved by God. She is beloved. Tell her everyday. Twice a day. 

Forgive her. As much as you can. She will push you as close to the edge as you can go and then test to see if you still love her. She will run away and hide even when you are with her. She is amazing at closing herself off.. she won’t realize how this affects you. Forgive her for this. She doesn’t know better and she thinks she is protecting you from her crazy.

Repeat repeat repeat. 

It may take a while, but she will see the effort you put into this relationship. Whether it is your girlfriend, best friend, daughter, sister, or coworker she needs you to love her, now because she feels like she is at her worst.

Tell her often, tell her always. Then offer to pray with her. It’s the best kind of love she can get.

Love and prayers.