Things for Thursday – Prayer Places Edition

Normally on our Things for Thursday posts I share a list of 5-10 things that are relevant to what is going on in my life on this day. Generally I do 2/3 posts a month, but today I thought it would be really fun to take this time to look at all the great places I’ve prayed in the past month!

  1. The Bluffs at Camp Hope, Montauk, New York


2. St. Patrick’s Convent, Bay Shore, New York

St. Pats

3. My super cute new prayer corner in my apartment

Prayer Shelf

4. The Barkhamsted Reservoir, Connecticut


5. Catholic Underground, New York, NY


It’s been a busy month my friends, filled with prayer, good food, lots of laughs, and beautiful places where I can breathe deep!

Until next week! Love and Prayers,


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